Page 7: Historical Events In 1866
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Oct 30 Jesse James gang robs bank in Lexington Missouri ($2000) on this day in history.
Nov 01 On this day in history 1st Civil Rights Bill passes
Nov 04 Kingdom of Italy annexes Venetia on this day in history.
Nov 05 Daniel Protheroe, composer on this day in history.
Nov 07 In the year 1866 carl Emil Paul Lincke, composer
Nov 10 Gold coins from the Sydney Mint become legal tender in Canada on this day in history.
Nov 12 On this day in history sun Yat-sen, father of modern China (ROC & PRC) (traditional)
Nov 17 In the year 1866 opera "Mignon" is produced (Paris)
Nov 20 1st natl convention of Grand Army of Republic (veterans' org) on this day in history.
Nov 20 In the year 1866 howard University founded (Wash, DC)
Nov 20 In the year 1866 kenesaw Mountain Landis, judge/1st commissioner of baseball
Nov 20 On this day in history pierre Lalemont patents rotary crank bicycle
Nov 20 The first national convention of Grand Army of the Republic (veterans' organization) in the year 1866.
Nov 26 On this day in history adrien Francois Servais, composer, dies at 59
Nov 28 In the year 1866 arthur Frederick Augustus "Dick" Lilley, cricket keeper (England)
Nov 29 In the year 1866 waldemar von Baussnern, composer
Nov 30 Work begins on 1st US underwater highway tunnel, Chicago in the year 1866.
Nov 30 Work begins on first US underwater highway tunnel, Chicago on this day in history.
Nov 30 On this day in history work on the first underwater highway tunnel in the United States began on this day in Chicago, Illinois. Over a three-year period, workers and engineers tunneled underneath the Chicago River, finally completing the 1,500-foot tunnel at a cost of over $500,000
Dec 02 Henry Thacker Burleigh, Erie Pa, black composer (Springarn Medal) in the year 1866.
Dec 03 Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda, composer, dies at 65 on this day in history.
Dec 03 In the year 1866 paid fire department replaces volunteer companies
Dec 03 Paid fire dept replaces volunteer companies on this day in history.
Dec 04 Vassily V Kandinsky, Russ/Ger/Fr abstract painter (Dreamy Inspiration) in the year 1866.
Dec 06 Chicago water supply tunnel 3,227 m into Lake Michigan completed in the year 1866.
Dec 11 1st yacht race across Atlantic Ocean on this day in history.
Dec 11 On this day in history first yacht race across the Atlantic Ocean
Dec 12 On this day in history alfred Werner, Swiss chemist (Nobel 1913)
Dec 14 In the year 1866 the birth of Roger Fry, English painter and critic
Dec 21 On this day in history cheyennes, Arapho's, Sioux, Fetterman Massacre
Dec 22 Mieczyslaw Surzynski, composer in the year 1866.
Dec 26 Samuel Ryan Curtis, Union general-major, dies at 49 on this day in history.
Dec 29 Joseph Limburg, liberal Second-Member of parliament (1905-19) in the year 1866.