Page 14: Historical Events In 1905
Saturday, 29 March 2025
Nov 24 The first Canadian Northern Railway passenger train reaches Edmonton after a 27 hour trip from Winnipeg Manitoba on this day in history.
Nov 26 George Emlyn Williams, Wales, actor/playwright (David Copperfield) on this day in history.
Nov 27 In the year 1905 daniel Sternefeld, Belgian conductor/composer (Mater Dolorosa)
Nov 28 Arthur Griffith forms Sinn Fein in Dublin on this day in history.
Nov 28 On this day in history sinn Fein founded by Arthur Griffith
Nov 29 Mowbray Henry Gordon Howard, 6th Earl of Effingham in the year 1905.
Dec 01 In the year 1905 charles Finney, US, author (Circus of Dr Lao)
Dec 02 On this day in history osvaldo Pugliese, musician/composer
Dec 03 On this day in history leslie Ames, cricketer (England wicket-keeper of 30's Outstanding bat)
Dec 04 British government of Balfour resigns on this day in history.
Dec 04 Emilio Médici, president Brazil (1969-74) on this day in history.
Dec 05 Henry Campbell-Bannermam (Lib) becomes PM of England on this day in history.
Dec 05 Otto Preminger, Austria, director/producer (Laura, Exodus) in the year 1905.
Dec 07 Gerard Kuiper, Dutch/US astronomer (moons of Uranus, Neptune) in the year 1905.
Dec 08 On this day in history charles Cushing, composer
Dec 09 Dalton Trumbo, US, writer/film director (Johnny Got His Gun) in the year 1905.
Dec 09 On this day in history french Assembly National votes for separation of church & state
Dec 09 Henry Holmes, composer, dies at 66 on this day in history.
Dec 11 In the year 1905 120ø F (49ø C), Rivadavia, Argentina (South American record)
Dec 11 On this day in history 120°F (49°C), Rivadavia, Argentina (South American record)
Dec 11 Eugen Fink, German philosopher in the year 1905.
Dec 14 Sydney Lipton, bandleader/violin in the year 1905.
Dec 15 Ferenc Farkas, composer on this day in history.
Dec 15 On this day in history the Pushkin House is established in St. Petersburg to preserve the cultural heritage of Alexander Pushkin
Dec 16 On this day in history "Variety," covering all phases of show business, 1st published
Dec 16 In the year 1905 "Variety," covering all phases of show business, first published
Dec 16 Piet Hein, poet/inventor on this day in history.
Dec 17 On this day in history joseph Heifitz, film director
Dec 18 H V Hordern takes 8-81 in 2nd innings of F-C debut (NSW v Qld) on this day in history.
Dec 18 Richard Sturzenegger, composer on this day in history.
Dec 19 Charles Robert Owen Medley, dancer/choreographer in the year 1905.
Dec 20 On this day in history "Tiger" Bill O'Reilly, cricketer (mighty Australian leg-spinner)
Dec 21 In the year 1905 anthony Powell, England, novelist (Infants of Spring)
Dec 23 Arn Bjornsson, composer on this day in history.
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