Historical Events In 1649
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 05 Francesco Cavalli's opera "Giasone," premieres in Venice in the year 1649.
Jan 06 On this day in history the Rump Parliament votes to put Charles I on trial for treason and other "high crimes"
Jan 22 On this day in history pascal Collasse, composer
Jan 30 Charles I, King of Great Britain (1625-49), beheaded for treason in the year 1649.
Jan 30 King Charles I of England is beheaded on this day in history.
Feb 02 In the year 1649 benedict XIII, [Pierfrancesco Orsini], Italy, 245th pope (1724-30)
Feb 05 Prince of Wales becomes king Charles II in the year 1649.
Feb 23 In the year 1649 john Blow, composer of 1st English opera (Venus & Adonis) (baptized)
Feb 27 In the year 1649 johann Philipp Krieger, composer
Mar 11 On this day in history treaty of Rueil destroys 1st Fronde-uprising
Mar 16 On this day in history jesuit priests Jean de Brébeuf 1593-1649 and Gabriel Lalement 1611-1649 are tortured by Iroquois invaders at St-Louis
Mar 16 In the year 1649 war party of more than 1000 Iroquois invade Huronia, capturing St-Ignace before sunrise; they will destroy all the villages and Jesuit missions in the area, and only 8 soldiers, 22 donnes and seven servants escape
Mar 17 Cromwell abolishes the monarchy and declares England a Commonwealth on this day in history.
Mar 17 In the year 1649 gerardus Johannis Vossius, [Gerrit Vos], Dutch regent, dies at 71
Mar 26 John Winthrop, Puritan & 1st Governor (Mass), dies on this day in history.
Apr 03 Joseph-Francois Salomon, composer on this day in history.
Apr 05 Elihu Yale, England, philanthropist founded Yale on this day in history.
Apr 05 On this day in history john Winthrop, 1st governor Mass Bay Colony, dies at 61
Apr 05 The birth of Elihu Yale, Founder of American Yale University in the year 1649.
Apr 09 In the year 1649 james Scott, duke of Monmouth, bastard son of English king Charles II
Apr 21 On this day in history maryland Toleration Act passed, allowing all freedom of worship
Apr 23 In the year 1649 andreas Kneller, composer
May 03 Johann Valentin Meder, composer in the year 1649.
May 12 On this day in history isaac Doreslaer, English lawyer/diplomat, murdered
May 19 On this day in history an Act declaring England a Commonwealth is passed by the Long Parliament. England would be a republic for the next eleven years.
May 19 England declared a Commonwealth in the year 1649.
Jun 01 Czar Aleksei throws out English merchants from Moscow on this day in history.
Jun 20 In the year 1649 maria Tesselschade Roemers Visscher, author, dies
Jun 30 Simon Vouet, French painter on this day in history.
Jul 11 In the year 1649 margaret Coventry, 1st English earl of Shaftesbury, dies
Jul 22 In the year 1649 clement XI, [Giovanni F Albani], Italy, Pope (1700-21)
Jul 29 David Teniers I, Flemish painter (altaar stukken), dies in the year 1649.
Aug 02 On this day in history elisabeth Bas, wife of Dutch Adm Swartenhondt, dies at about 78
Aug 25 Richard Crashaw, English clergyman/poet, dies at about 36 on this day in history.
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