Page 2: Historical Events In 1740
Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Aug 13 In the year 1740 hunger strike in Rotterdam
Aug 14 Pius VII, [Luigi B Chiaramonti], bishop of Imola/Pope (1800-23) in the year 1740.
Aug 15 In the year 1740 m Claudius, writer
Aug 23 Ivan VI, Emperor of Russia 1740-41) on this day in history.
Aug 26 Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, France, aeronaut (ballooning) on this day in history.
Aug 26 The birth of Joseph Montgolfier, With his brother invented the hot air balloon on this day in history.
Oct 08 Chinese assault on Diestpoort Batavia in the year 1740.
Oct 08 On this day in history michel-Julien Mathieu, composer
Oct 09 Neth gov-general Adriaen Valckenier allows murder of 8000 Chinese inhabitants of Batavia on this day in history.
Oct 14 Joannes Siberg, Dutch governor-general of Neth Indies (1801-05) on this day in history.
Oct 17 Ivan VI becomes Czar of Russia in the year 1740.
Oct 20 Belle van Zuylen, Neth/Swiss writer (Three Women) in the year 1740.
Oct 20 Karl VI, German emperor (1711-40), dies on this day in history.
Oct 20 Maria Theresa became ruler of Austria, Hungary & Bohemia on this day in history.
Oct 26 Ernest Louis Muller, composer on this day in history.
Oct 28 Anna Ivanova Romanova, empress of Russia (1730-40), dies at 47 in the year 1740.
Oct 28 On this day in history ivan VI becomes czar of Russia [OS=Oct 17]
Oct 29 In the year 1740 james Boswell, Scotland, Samuel Johnson's biographer
Oct 29 The birth of James Boswell, Scottish biographer and diarist on this day in history.
Oct 31 In the year 1740 william Paca, US judge/signer (Declaration of Independence)
Nov 24 On this day in history john Bacon, English sculptor
Dec 13 Franz Xaver Schnitzer, composer on this day in history.
Dec 16 Prussian Libya falls to Silezie in the year 1740.
Dec 26 In the year 1740 mauritius Louis II earl of Nassau, lt-gen (12 children), dies
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