Page 12: Historical Events In 1861
Friday, 14 March 2025
Oct 22 1st telegraph line linking West & East coasts completed in the year 1861.
Oct 24 1st US transcontinental telegram is sent (from SF to Wash DC) in the year 1861.
Oct 24 In the year 1861 first transcontinental telegram sent ending the Pony Express
Oct 24 First transcontinental telegraph sent in the United States in the year 1861.
Oct 25 On this day in history battle of Wilson's Creek, MI (Springfield)
Oct 25 On this day in history friedrich C von Savigny, German lawyer, dies at 82
Oct 26 Pony Express ends in the year 1861.
Oct 26 Richard D Sears, Boston, tennis champ, US Open (1881) in the year 1861.
Nov 01 Gen George B McClellan made general in chief of Union armies in the year 1861.
Nov 02 On this day in history american Civil War: Western Department Union General John C. Fremont is relieved of command and replaced by David Hunter.
Nov 03 Johann Peter Kirsch, Luxembourg church historian/archaeologist in the year 1861.
Nov 04 On this day in history university of Washington founded in Seattle
Nov 06 James A Naismith, inventor (basketball) on this day in history.
Nov 06 On this day in history jefferson Davis elected to 6 year term as Confederate pres
Nov 06 Jefferson Davis elected to 6 year term as Confederate President on this day in history.
Nov 07 Battle of Belmont, MO on this day in history.
Nov 08 Battle of Mount Ivy, KY in the year 1861.
Nov 08 On this day in history uS removes Confederate officials from British steamer Trent
Nov 09 In the year 1861 1st documented Canadian football game (at U of Toronto)
Nov 09 On this day in history battle of Piketon, KY
Nov 10 Robert T A Innes, Edinburgh Scotland, astronomer (Proxima Centauri) in the year 1861.
Nov 11 Pedro V van Alcantara, king of Portugal (1853-61), dies at 24 in the year 1861.
Nov 14 In the year 1861 frederick Jackson Turner, Wisc, historian/educator (Harvard U)
Nov 16 Vaclav Suk, composer in the year 1861.
Nov 19 In the year 1861 julia Ward Howe committed "Battle Hymn of the Republic" to paper
Nov 20 Secession ordinance is filed by Kentucky's Confederate government in the year 1861.
Nov 21 On this day in history joao da Cruz, Brazilian poet
Nov 22 In the year 1861 battle of Ft McRee, FL
Nov 24 On this day in history luik-Visé-Maastricht railway opens
Nov 26 At Wheeling, a convention adopts a constitution for new state West Virginia on this day in history.
Nov 26 On this day in history west Virginia created as a result of dispute over slavery with Virg
Nov 28 Confederate congress officially admits Missouri to Confederate Army in the year 1861.
Nov 28 Confederate congress officially admits Missouri to the CSA in the year 1861.
Nov 28 Robert Fuhrer, composer, dies at 54 on this day in history.
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