Historical Events In 1564
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 26 In the year 1564 the Council of Trent issued its conclusions in the Tridentinum, establishing a distinction between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.
Feb 06 On this day in history christopher Marlowe, English poet/dramatist (Dr Faustus)
Feb 15 Galileo Galilei, Pisa Italy, astronomer/physicist on this day in history.
Feb 15 In the year 1564 the birth of Galileo Galilei, Italian scientist and astronomer
Feb 18 In the year 1564 michelangelo Buonarroti, Italian sculptor/painter (David), dies at 88
Feb 18 Michelangelo dies in Rome in the year 1564.
Feb 21 Philip II routes cardinal Granvelle to Franche-Comté on this day in history.
Feb 21 Philip II routes cardinal Granvelle to Franche-Comte in the year 1564.
Feb 26 In the year 1564 christopher Marlowe, dramatist (Dr Faustus), baptized
Mar 09 David Fabricius, Essens Germany, astronomer (discoved variable star) on this day in history.
Mar 13 On this day in history cardinal Granvelle flees Brussels
Apr 11 On this day in history england & France sign Peace of Troyes
Apr 23 On this day in history the birth of William Shakespeare, English playwright
Apr 26 William Shakespeare baptized on this day in history.
Apr 26 William Shakespeare, Stratford-on-Avon England, playwright (Hamlet) in the year 1564.
May 27 In the year 1564 jean Caulvin, [John Calvin], priest/church reformer, dies at 54
May 31 In the year 1564 battle on Gotland Lübeck & Denmark beat Sweden
May 31 In the year 1564 battle on Gotland: Lübeck & Denmark beat Sweden
May 31 Battle on Gotland: Lubeck & Denmark beat Sweden in the year 1564.
Jun 02 Gellius Faber, [Jelle Smit], Fries theologist, dies on this day in history.
Jul 25 Ferdinand I, German Emperor (1558-64), dies at 61 on this day in history.
Jul 25 Maximilian II succeeds his father Ferdinand II as RC emperor on this day in history.
Aug 18 In the year 1564 spanish king Philip II joins Council of Trente
Sep 29 Robert Dudley becomes earl of Leicester on this day in history.
Oct 02 In the year 1564 andreas Vesalius, [Andries of Wesel], Flemish anatomist, dies at 49
Oct 03 Christophorus Fabritius, [Christoffel Smit], calvinist vicar, burned in the year 1564.
Oct 04 In the year 1564 pietro P Vergerio, Italian theologist/bishop of Croatia, dies
Oct 05 Pierre de Manchicourt, Flemish composer on this day in history.
Oct 18 John Hawkins begins 2nd trip to America in the year 1564.
Dec 24 Abraham C Bloemaert, painter/cartoonist/engraver in the year 1564.
Dec 31 On this day in history willem van Orange demands freedom of conscience/religion