Historical Facts
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Q: Alexander the Greats body was preserved in large jar of what?
A: Honey
Q: King Mongut had aprox 9000 wife's or concubines. What country was he king of?
A: Siam - Thailand
Q: Sir Walter Raleigh found an odd lake in Trinidad consisting of what?
A: Lake of Tar or Asphalt
Q: Which French General left Napoleon to become King of Sweden?
A: Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte
Q: What was the first product sold in aerosol sprays?
A: Insecticides
Q: What did Lady Godiva ride according to a carving in Coventry Cathedral?
A: A Goat
Q: In 1848, the London Daily News carried the worlds first what?
A: Weather report / forecast
Q: Which organization has been selling racehorses since the year 1176?
A: Tattersalls
Q: Whose horse was Spumador ?
A: King Arthur's
Q: Galileo was the first to notice that the sun had what?
A: Spots
Q: In Greek mythology who gave the "eyes" to the peacock?
A: Argus
Q: Heinrich the lion founded What city was founded by Heinrich the lion?
A: Munich
Q: Where was the motor racing accident in 1953 that killed 83 spectators?
A: Le Mans
Q: Manya Sklodowska was better known as who?
A: Madam Curie
Q: What was the Amati family famous for making?
A: Violins
Q: What phobia did Adolph Hitler have?
A: Claustrophobia
Q: In London, 1915, what became illegal and subject to a £ 100 fine?
A: Buying a round of drinks
Q: What was the first English town to have electric street lighting?
A: Goldaming in Surrey
Q: Siberia used solid blocks of what as money in the 18th century?
A: Tea
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